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Xcooter Smallest Electric Folding Scooter Urban Rider Adult Lightweight Portable Scooter Battery Powered
Xcooter Smallest Electric Folding Scooter Urban Rider Adult Lightweight Portable Scooter Battery Powered
Xcooter Smallest Electric Folding Scooter Urban Rider Adult Lightweight Portable Scooter Battery Powered
Xcooter Smallest Electric Folding Scooter Urban Rider Adult Lightweight Portable Scooter Battery Powered
Xcooter Smallest Electric Folding Scooter Urban Rider Adult Lightweight Portable Scooter Battery Powered

Lead Title & Summary

Short Title
Xcooter Smallest Electric Folding Scooter Urban Rider Adult Lightweight Portable Scooter Battery Powered
Xcooter Smallest Electric Folding Scooter Urban Rider Adult Lightweight Portable Scooter Battery Powered
The Xcooter® is compact, FOLDABLE electric scooter for the commuter lifestyle. This rideable combines style and technology, PERFECT FOR THE CITY DWELLER. Equipped with a KEYLESS ALARM SYSTEM, defense alarm sound. The trendy and portable Xcooter has a full aluminum ALLOY body which makes it very light in weight. The patent body, FOLDING system and handle bar makes it very easy to fold in one simple step of one second. Compact & ideal for storing in small places. The Xcooter is ideal for short trips to and from a friend’s house, work or school, a stroll by the beach or just to the corner store. It offers users a comfortable ride, thanks to the ten inch wheels that ride over most everyday obstacles that one can encounter around the city. It rides at 17 miles per hour and only needs to be charged about every 15 miles which is its maximum range of miles. The Xcooter is extremely easy to operate and quiet due to the 36V brushless GEARLESS motor. For night time riding it comes equipped with an LCD display, LCD light and safety reflector on the back of the frame.
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Lead Information

Country :
United States of America
State :
Not Specified
Currency :
United States Dollar
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Main Business:
Sub-Businesses :
Smart Balance Wheel Scooters
Total price
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Advertising Period

Start Date :
09 Dec 2016
End Date :
28 Dec 2048

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